Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Santa Barbara County Rare Bird Alert. The report below shows observations of rare birds in Santa Barbara County. View or unsubscribe to this alert at https://ebird.org/alert/summary?sid=SN35915 NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.
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Vaux's Swift (Chaetura vauxi) (7) CONFIRMED
- Reported Mar 03, 2025 07:10 by Guy Tingos
- 5049 Walnut Park Drive, Santa Barbara, California
- Map: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&t=p&z=13&<q...>,-119.7977167&<ll...>,-119.7977167 - Checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S216525480 - Comments: "Identified as swifts by tapered body and long, narrow, sickle-shaped wings. Identified as Vaux's by coloration: the birds appeared uniform brown from my viewing angle and distance. No evidence of the black and white coloration of the expected White-throated Swift. Very unusual at this date."
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