Date: 3/3/25 11:54 am From: Douglas Vogus <vogeye...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Ottawa NWR Monthly Census
MARCH 02, 2025 - OTTAWA NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE MONTHLY CENSUS. ROUTES: East Side, Fox Unit (parking lot), West Side, Western Prairies & Henry Marsh in the morning; Wildlife Drive in the afternoon (except where closed for eagle nesting). OBS. EAST & FOX UNIT: Jim Koppin, Jim Reyda, Al & Betty Schlecht. OBS. WEST: Susan Brauning, Donna Kuhn, David Myles, Douglas Nims, Chris Pierce, Tony Szilagye, Tracy Wiczer. OBS. WEST PRAIRIES & HENRY MARSH: Douglas W. Vogus. OBS. WILDLIFE DRIVE: Bob Bartolotta, Claire Johnson, Jim Koppin, Douglas Nims, Jim Reyda, Douglas W. Vogus. TIME: 7:30am - 12:00pm; 1:10pm - 3:20pm TEMP.: 16F ~ 31F ~ 30F COND.: Cold and sunny early, temperatures slowly rising; turning cloudy at 10:30am; winds 5-10mph; Crane Creek mostly open; other impoundments starting to have open water; could not get to Lake Erie in the afternoon due to closures for eagle nesting.
I. MAMMALS: 8 SPECIES, 24 TOTAL. (Recorded since 04/07/2002)
1. Virginia Opossum - 1 (Fourth March Record on Census) 2. Eastern Cottontail - 3 3. Woodchuck - 1 4. Eastern Fox Squirrel - 7 5. White-footed Mouse - 3 6. Coyote - 1 (Second March Record on Census) 7. Common Raccoon - 1 8. White-tailed Deer - 7 (does)
II. BIRDS: 59 SPECIES, 6,769 TOTAL. (Recorded since 03/02/1969)
1. Greater White-fronted Goose - 13 (observed by J. Reyda and Douglas W. Vogus at end of day fly-over at Stange Prairie platform parking lot) 2. Cackling Goose - 11 (three on the ice and seven in the air for D. Kuhn's group and one in a flock of Canada Geese for D. Vogus over Stange Prairie - Fifth Record on Census, First March Record on Census & New Census High - previous was 9 on 11/1989) 3. Canada Goose - 1,628 4. Trumpeter Swan - 202 5. Tundra Swan - 2,008 6. Wood Duck - 1 (female - J. Reyda's East Side group) 7. Northern Shoveler - 15 8. Gadwall - 608 9. American Wigeon - 68 10. American Black Duck - 42 11. Mallard - 247 12. Canvasback - 2 13. Redhead - 9 14. Ring-necked Duck - 54 15. Lesser Scaup - 6 16. Bufflehead - 7 17. Common Goldeneye - 2 18. Hooded Merganser - 38 19. Common Merganser - 119 20. Ruddy Duck - 10 21. Mourning Dove - 50 22. Sandhill Crane - 74 23. Killdeer - 1 24. Ring-billed Gull - 192 25. Herring Gull - 2 26. Great Blue Heron - 7 27. Northern Harrier - 8 28. Cooper's Hawk - 2 29. Bald Eagle - 41 (23 adult,18 immature) 30. Red-tailed Hawk - 6 31. Eastern Screech-Owl - 1 (gray morph - D. Myles's West Side group) 32. Great Horned Owl - 1 (D. Myles's West Side group) 33. Red-headed Woodpecker - 4 34. Red-bellied Woodpecker - 10 35. Downy Woodpecker - 9 36. Northern Flicker - 3 37. American Kestrel - 2 38. Northern Shrike - 1 (D. Kuhn's group) 39. Blue Jay - 27 40. American Crow - 7 41. Black-capped Chickadee - 5 42. Tufted Titmouse - 2 43. Horned Lark - 28 44. White-breasted Nuthatch - 9 45. Brown Creeper - 2 46. Carolina Wren - 1 47. European Starling - 192 48. American Robin - 9 49. House Sparrow - 29 50. American Goldfinch - 3 51. American Tree Sparrow - 122 52. Dark-eyed Junco - 26 53. White-throated Sparrow - 2 54. Savannah Sparrow - 2 (D. Vogus in Stange Prairie - Third March Record on Census) 55. Song Sparrow - 21 56. Red-winged Blackbird - 572 57. Rusty Blackbird - 8 58. Common Grackle - 32 59. Northern Cardinal - 43
??. Unidentified Duck Species - 123 (very distant flocks)
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