My husband and I went birding in Costa Rica in January ( and were in Belize two years ago ( ). Although many of the birds species overlap between the two countries, there were birds that we saw in Belize that we didn't see in Costa Rica and vice verse. If you are an experienced birder and know where to go birding in Belize, you likely would be able to find good birds on your own. But, we prefer to hire local bird guides at least for a day or two since we've always seen more with a guide than on our own. Sheri Larsen
In a message dated 3/6/2025 12:34:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, <wldlfgrl...> writes:
Traveling to Belize next month. I already have bird guides for the WestIndies and Costa Rica. Will these be enough to see me through or should Iget a book specifically for Belize?