The Date Guide divides Oklahoma into 7 geographic regions, and lists the normal dates of occurrence for each Oklahoma bird species within each region. Observers are urged to report unusual species, or birds out of date or out of normal range in Oklahoma, based on the information given in this publication.
The Oklahoma Ornithological Society and Oklahoma Bird Records Committee web site,;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_OGFakcfJ_61qiRdhsiAYRTbgtEbQcewInn1k-dwwWpmGKwUfhZ5jsXF0HYYhKonm3liV0cdo_NwizyV$ [okbirds[.]org], includes ordering information for the Date Guide to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma, information on documenting significant records, documentation forms, instructions, and a searchable database for Oklahoma bird migration information. Birders are cordially invited to join the Oklahoma Ornithological Society.