Date: 3/3/25 10:27 am
From: Patricia Velte <pvelte...>
Subject: March Migration Report (2 of 2)
Dear OKBirders,
This is the list of MARCH DEPATURES, based on the “Date Guide to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma,” Seventh Edition. Published by the Oklahoma Ornithological Society © 2019. 
Tundra Swan                     March 13 - ALL  White-winged Scoter         March 28 - C, NE  Black Scoter                      March 28 - NE  Long-tailed Duck                 March 27 - PAN, NW, SW, C, SC, NE  Yellow Rail                         March 1 – SE  *rare in southern McCurtain Co. Only  American Woodcock         March 1 - NW, SW, C, SCLittle Gull                             March 27 - C, SC, NE  Iceland Gull                         March 15 - NW, C, NE, SE *rare for Thayer's race only; Also Thayer's race rare in Le Flore co only in SELesser Black-backed Gull     March 16 - C, NE *rare in Tulsa co only in NE  Glaucous Gull                     March 9 - NW, C, NE  Golden Eagle                      March 20 - PAN, NW, SW, SC, NE, SE *rare east to Osage and Pawnee cos; also rare in Sequoyah coRough-legged Hawk             March 20 - SW, C  Ferruginous Hawk             March 25 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE  *rare east to Washington, Tulsa and Okmulgee cos only in NEPrairie Falcon                     March 28 - ALL  Northern Shrike                  March 3 - PAN  Steller's Jay                         March 15 - PAN * rare in northwestern Cimarron co only  White-breasted Nuthatch     March 1 – PAN rare in Cimarron county onlySage Thrasher                     March 3 - SW *rare in Harmon, Greer, Jackson, Kiowa and Comanche cos onlyCassin's Finch                     March 3 - PAN * rare in Cimarron co only  Lapland Longspur               March 10 - ALL  Smith's Longspur                 March 20 - SW, C, SC, NE *rare in Comanche co only; and Pontotoc, Johnston and Marshall cos in SCAmerican Tree Sparrow      March 20 - PAN, NW and March 14 - C, NE and March 1 - SW  Rusty Blackbird                     March 28 - NW, SW, C, SC, NE, SE  

The Date Guide divides Oklahoma into 7 geographic regions, and lists the normal dates of occurrence for each Oklahoma bird species within each region. Observers are urged to report unusual species, or birds out of date or out of normal range in Oklahoma, based on the information given in this publication.
The Oklahoma Ornithological Society and Oklahoma Bird Records Committee web site,;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!_OGFakcfJ_61qiRdhsiAYRTbgtEbQcewInn1k-dwwWpmGKwUfhZ5jsXF0HYYhKonm3liV0cdo_NwizyV$ [okbirds[.]org], includes ordering information for the Date Guide to the Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma, information on documenting significant records, documentation forms, instructions, and a searchable database for Oklahoma bird migration information. Birders are cordially invited to join the Oklahoma Ornithological Society.

Happy birding!Pat <Veltepvelte...> City, OK

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