Date: 3/6/25 7:29 am
From: Peter Saracino <petersaracino...>
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Final Winter Walk of the Season
As of this writing the March Equinox is still 15 days away. The
constellation, Leo, rising in the east at nightfall, migrating blackbird
and snow geese flocks, the courtship songs of doves, cardinals, titmice and
chickadees now being heard, skunk cabbage poking up through wetland areas,
pussy willows leaning into the growing sunlight and even some amphibian
species now on the move are all signs of the season-soon-to-be clamoring
for our attention. But, it is STILL winter. And time for one final walk.
Come join us at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge on March 15th at 10
am for our final Winter World Walk. We'll depart from the Visitor Center at
10 am and hike along a section of the Seneca Trail still remaining open.
Walks are free with no signups necessary. Binoculars and sunscreen are
advised. Hope to see you there!
Pete Saracino/Refuge Volunteer Naturalist & New York State Master
Naturalist Volunteer


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