Hello, Ron Beck, Penny Principe, and I found Dozer this morning in his usual spot- on the south side of Alva Paul Lagoon on Morro Strand State Beach. His antenna broke and quit transmitting on Sept. 11, 2024. Last year Dozer left the Central Coast for his breeding grounds in Indian Valley, Idaho, on March 20th. See Dozer link below for the Ebird list from today.
Unfortunately, from now on I won't be able to track his dates of departure and arrival as the only way I can find him is visually -by seeing his green leg band when he is here on the Central Coast. You'll see in the photo a little bit of the antenna coming off his back. I'll be heading to AZ soon, so that will be my last report of him until he returns to us next summer.
Hoping Dozer has a successful breeding season and returns to entertain us next summer.