Date: 2/28/25 11:33 am
From: John Williams <john...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] Crossroads at Silverbell and W Ina Rd Bridge 2/28/25
This morning. Walked from the Library along the Santa Cruz to West Ina Rd:
Willows are flowering and leafing out, providing forage for the insect eaters. I suspect this is happening throughout the river basin, providing one more place to search for warblers and other insect gleaners.

Recorded: first winter/spring female Hermit Warbler and Yellow Warbler, one adult Townsend’s Warbler, 7-8 Yellow-rumped Warblers and 5 Ruby-crowned Kinglets,
15+ Abert’s Towhees, a flock of White-crowned, scattered Lincoln’s and several singing Song Sparrows. Multiple LBJ’s disappearing before ID.
At the Bridge: GB Heron, Green Heron< Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Green-winged and Cinnamon Teal, American Wigeon, Mallards, one Mexican Duck, 4 Neotropical Cormorants, 3 Least Sandpipers.
A moderate breeze presented some problems.
Most of the willows are still transparent, but a few are already solid green walls.

John R Williams
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