Date: 3/3/25 5:25 pm
From: Heidi Mass <hmass21...>
Subject: Re: [JERSEYBI] Feather identification

For those who are younger than me, this link is about the original feather
investigator at the lab. I actually met her when I was in grad school at
the University of Maryland, College Park campus in 1980. My advisor wanted
to learn how to make study skins and she taught us how. I didn't know
anything about her until I started seeing articles about her. She also
wrote a monthly column for the bird watchers digest magazine. She pioneered
the study of feathers and trained her successors.

I don't think my advisor ever did more study skins. I took up the skill
years later under tutorial lessons from Hannah Suthers, bird bander guru
in Hopewell who along with banding for decades also does skins for
Princeton university. I then started doing skins for the Plainsboro
Preserve that they used in nature education.

Hope you enjoyed my trivia post and learned something about Roxie.

Heidi Mass
Formally of NJ, now living in Boothbay Harbor, Maine

On Mon, Mar 3, 2025, 11:45 AM jim wright <wrightjamesb...> wrote:

> I'm working on a birding column on the best way to identify a feather you
> find, and I would love the advice of JerseyBirders.
> Is there a great app, or website you recommend?
> And yes, I know it's illegal to keep them. :- )
> Many thanks.
> --
> Jim Wright
> My latest book is "The Screech Owl Companion"
> My nature blog is
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