Date: 3/5/25 1:56 pm From: adir46er via <rita.reed2819...> Subject: [hmbirds] Northern Rensselaer good birding today
Today we located a Greater White-fronted Goose and 2 Snow Geese in a flock of ~ 4000 CANG foraging at the sod farm on River Rd, Schaghticoke.
At the eBird hotspot “Hudson River at River Rd, Melrose (NY)” 1 lone male Gadwall , also single drakes of American Wigeon and Green-winged Teal accompanied some Northern Pintail and a myriad of Mallard and Wood Duck. The Horned Grebe continues.
To top off the afternoon, we saw our first-of-year White-crowned sparrow on Sproat Rd.