Date: 3/6/25 11:03 am From: Jack Swatt via CTBirds <ctbirds...> Subject: [CT Birds] Whalebone Creek Northern Pintails
With the warmer temperatures and recent rains, the inland water bodies are finally starting to thaw out. Most lakes and ponds I checked out today typically had Mallards and Ring-necked Ducks, but Whalebone Creek in HadLyme had a good variety of waterfowl, including 8 Northern Pintail, 10 Wood Ducks, 4 American Wigeon, 5 Hooded Mergansers and 10 Ring-necked Ducks, in addition to the multitudes of Canada Geese, Mallards and American Black Ducks.
Jack Swatt
Lempster, NH
Colchester, CT
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