Observation start time: 10:00:00 Observation end time: 13:00:00 Total observation time: 3 hours
Official Counter: Maili Waters
Visitors: 1
Weather: Very windy with west winds at 25-35mph. Temps in the low 30s. Started to snow around noon and continued until I left.
Raptor Observations: Two Bald Eagles and one Turkey Vulture were the only raptors on the move today.
Non-raptor Observations: A flock of about a thousand Snow Geese flew over before the snow started. Just after the snow blew in a flock of about 20 Snow Buntings flew past.
Predictions: Partly cloudy with a high of 38F. West winds at 25-35mph with gusts over 40mph. If the winds calm down at all there's a chance for some movement, however I don't have super high expectations.
The weather early next week looks better for raptors and we should start seeing more movement. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Maili Waters (<mailirwaters...>) Braddock Bay information may be found at: http://www.bbrr.org/