Date: 3/7/25 10:40 am
From: Brian Fitch via <fogeggs...>
Subject: [SFBirds] Sutro Baths PIGU +
The first Pigeon Guillemot of my year was swimming beneath the breeding
cliffs this morning north of the Sutro terrace. It arrived a week earlier
than my personal average date at this site, and 4 days ahead of last year's
first. The other highlight was a male Long-tailed Duck that flew in off
the ocean from the south, passed close by me, and curved into the Gate.

Spring was also showing in several Red-throated Loons with full alternate
plumage, a flock of over 200 California Gulls heading NE, and Brown
Pelicans beginning to arrive in small groups. Rockbirds were at their
highest numbers after a weak showing so far this year. Roughly 10
Surfbirds and 15 Black Turnstones were feeding below the Baths as the tide
ebbed, along with 10 Willets playing the surfline.
Brian Fitch

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