Date: 2/28/25 2:16 pm From: Daniel Edelstein via <danieledelstein...> Subject: [northbaybirds] Last few days: Photos for (high than typical number of) Greater White-fronted Goose (116) and Snow Goose (8); plus ongoing Black Skimmer photos
Happy (Nearly Here) Weekend, birders:
1. 2/28/25
Finally found time to stop for the ongoing *BLACK SKIMMER* that I believe was first seen at the Shorebird Marsh overlook (immediately north of Nordstrom's) in Corte Madera, Marin Co. by either Bob Batigan or Rich Cimino.
Gorgeous to photos are another story: ordinary
*YES (!): I know this is a high number but this large vernal pool has attracted large numbers of waterfowl lately, as you may know…… And I didn’t expect to see so many (116) in February within the North Bay/Novato, given this non-breeding season resident is more Valley-centric.*
*Distant photos that I took with my digiscope Swarovski attachment are not (!) sharp but diagnostic based on the head markings, size, breast I saw them fly-in well with my scope and heard them from afar.*
*Bad news: I checked this hotspot on 2/27/25: No White-fronted Goose remained...but moderate to high numbers of typical, common duck species were seen in my scope: American Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, N. Shoveler, Gadwall, Ring-necked Duck, Mallard, Ruddy Duck, and Bufflehead.*
Here's a link to my average photos of the White-fronted Goose at my eBird checklist:
b. Wetland immediately east of the Vintage Oaks (Costco) Shopping Center, Novato
Eight *SNOW GOOSE* on the small oval-shaped island east of the park bench that is adjacent to the parking lot area
where this eBird hotspot occurs and is titled:
Of course, eight is a high number I realize....Photos at my eBird checklist only show three or four of this species, but some were hidden after I initially counted all eight on the south side of the island. "Grin patch," characteristic gape present in the photos. Scope a good idea....Update on 2/28/25: I no longer saw this species present.