Date: 3/2/25 3:46 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Warren and Clinton - finally waterfowl! And white pelicans
And no snow on the state park roads! Still some frozen edges to the lakes
Though. When will spring get here… was cold today. But hardly any wind
And the sun was shining - so it wasn’t too bad! Birds were spread out at
Cowan Lake. GW Teal back, wigeon, both Scaup rb Mergs, wood duck back,
Not many Goldeneyes. They must be moving on already. Highlight was the
30 plus pelicans at the east end. Pelicans were reported yesterday was it?
But in the middle of the lake. I thought they had moved on. I was pleasantly surprised
When I saw them at the east end! Good bird for the big year! I picked up 7
For Clinton - with Barred Owl being a Clinton bird. 2 were calling. Mid day
Always a treat! Hardly any passerines - I am jealous of Peggy! I still need
GC Kinglet and Sapsucker!
Caesar Creek in Warren held more numbers of waterfowl. Well concentrated
In the middle of the lake…. Mostly Scaup. I think. I can’t figure out the differences
Between Caesar creek and Cowan! Cowan is smaller - other than that….
I picked up GW Teal for Warren. Spring Valley.
I have 1/2 day Monday. I am thinking trying for passerines in Warren.
I have stuff to do before a vacation in Florida.
Goose Ponds in Indiana was spectacular! The numbers! Plus I did have excellent
Looks at Whooping Crane! Thousands of Snow Geese and GWFG there. All
I want is say one of each in Warren and Clinton!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPad mini
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