Date: 3/5/25 2:13 pm
From: Richard Bansberg <rbansberg...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] San Pedro House Birding Walks
There were 19 participants during todays birding walk at the San Pedro House led by the Friends of the San Pedro River. We split into two groups and, for the most part, birded along different trails. One group logged 39 species whereas the other group logged 41 species for a combined total of 48 species. The walks started at the San Pedro House with a sighting of the continuing Gilded Flicker and ended at the house with a sighting of the continuing Harris’s Sparrow.

Two pair of Great Blue Herons were present at the usual nesting site and we watched the males bringing in sticks to repair and enlarge the existing nests. Black Phoebes and a single Vermillion Flycatcher were the only flycatchers observed. We tallied 12 sparrow species, mostly White-crowned Sparrows, but also quite a few Lincoln’s Sparrows and Song Sparrows. We should see the slow transition from seed-eaters to insectivores take place over the next several walks.

Even though it hasn’t rained in months the San Pedro River was flowing. Seed capsules and buds are turning the tops of the cottonwoods green. Once the trees leaf out the river (and Kingfisher Pond) will likely dry up without significant rainfall in the coming months.

The Friends of the San Pedro River will lead birding walks every Wednesday during the months of March and April. The walks start at 7:00 am from the San Pedro House located south of Highway 90 just west of the San Pedro River. The walks last about three hours. Bring your own binoculars, a hat and water.

The next San Pedro House birding walk will be Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00a.

Richard Bansberg
Friends of the San Pedro River
Hereford, Arizona
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