Date: 3/4/25 11:10 am From: Daniel Edelstein via <danieledelstein...> Subject: [northbaybirds] One Redhead Male At Marsh Drive Flooded Ephemeral Pool Area (Novato, Marin Co.)
Per my earlier directions from a recent post for this site that you can see in the archives of this NBB
listserv, on 3/3/25 I noticed:
1 male *REDHEAD* periodically foraging with diving action. Here's my eBird checklist description:
No photos possible for my camera or digiscope option. Clearly noticed color of head and its shape, along with body size smaller than Canvasback; Redhead "forehead"/head shape good for its ID, unlike sloping forehead expression of Canvasback.
Distant view from at least 1/2 mile. Looking 131 degrees from vantage point on road next to the 37 east on ramp and 20 east of the gray PGE 5-foot-tall "box" at this point, the Redhead was foraging with other common duck species that are also noted here in this checklist:
Summary of visit: *LOW* numbers of common duck family members today (See ebird checklist # above)...FAR fewer than a couple of weeks ago when I noticed 1,200+ individuals and Will Legge initially located even more.
Regards, Daniel Edelstein
Novato, CA