Date: 3/1/25 5:04 am From: Mundi Smithers <amen1farm...> Subject: Re: [VTBIRD] Injured Owl in Richmond, VT
VINS in Queeche, Vermont.
Sent from my iPad
The greatest tragedy in mankind’s entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion.
Arthur C Clarke 1917 - 2008
Garden-Making is the slowest of the performing arts.
Mac Griswold
> On Mar 1, 2025, at 4:34 AM, Allan Strong <Allan.Strong...> wrote:
> This is the list that Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department maintains on their website:
> >
> If folks know other rehabbers who aren't on the list, feel free to post here and I'm happy to pass information along to VTFWD.
> Allan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vermont Birds <VTBIRD...> On Behalf Of Linda P. McElvany
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 5:52 PM
> To: <VTBIRD...>
> Subject: [VTBIRD] Injured Owl in Richmond, VT
> Would folks please forward this to anyone who rehabs birds or could help getting to this owl. I just received a text from Anna Kremer who is helping her Richmond friend so here is her contact <anna.kremer108...> mailto:<anna.kremer108...> and phone is 1-616-212-7613.