Date: 3/2/25 4:49 am From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] San Diego Festival March 1st pelagic trip
The San Diego pelagic trip on March 1st as part of the San Diego Bird Festival visited the Nine-Mile Bank and waters off Mission Bay. There was a surface chop for part of the day but otherwise conditions were quite reasonable. The number and variety of seabirds offshore was about as low as we've ever seen. Totals for the day, once we were offshore, were:
Surf Scoter 58
Eared Grebe 2
Pomarine Jaeger 3
Scripps's Murrelet 15
Cassin's Auklet 2
Rhinoceros Auklet 26
Heermann's Gull 3
Western Gull 270
California Gull 20
Royal Tern 6
Pacific Loon 1
Pink-footed Shearwater 1
Brandt's Cormorant 16
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Brown Pelican 40
Also: Surfbirds (jetties), Fin Whales, Gray Whales
--Paul Lehman, Dave Povey, Bruce Rideout, Nick Barber, Dan King, Patti Langen, Paul Mulholland, , San Diego
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