Date: 3/3/25 7:08 pm
From: Betsy Checchia <betsy.checchia...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] Central NM -- Ojito Wilderness Area today
I went to the Ojito Wilderness Area NW of Bernalillo, NM this morning. The
Wilderness Area adjoins a part of the Zia Pueblo. There was a reasonable
assortment of birds, 15 species total, mostly one or two of a kind, except
for a large flock of Horned Larks and a smaller one of Mountain Bluebirds.
I really went based on a recommendation from one of the Park Rangers at the
Valle de Oro NWR, a newish, urban NWR in Albuquerque's South Valley.

There are 2 trails into the Wilderness Area. The Seismosaurus Trail leads
to the site at which, in 1985, paleontologists found some vertebrae from
what came to be called Seismosaurus halli, which at the time was considered
to be the largest dinosaur ever identified, possibly as big as 170 feet
long. It was eventually renamed Diplodocus hallorum when it was found to
be closer to 110 feet long (still pretty good). The Hoodoo Trail leads
through an area of significant ancient volcanic activity, with some
interesting hoodoos and multicolored badlands. There are plenty of holes
that might house Swifts and Swallows later this year.

On my way back out to civilization, I drove over a dam that had created a
significant pond right next to Indian Service Rte 2. There were 5 species
of ducks there (Am. Wigeon, Canvasback, Redhead, Lesser Scaup, Common
Goldeneye) plus a Northern Harrier cruising around.

eBird checklists can be found here:<domain...><domain...>

Betsy Checchia
South Valley, ABQ

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