Date: 2/26/25 1:59 pm From: <dpsiminski...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] San Pedro House Birding Walk
This morning, fifteen birders participated in The Friends of the San Pedro
River’s birding walk. We birded a loop that included areas both north and
south of AZ Hwy 90, all within the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation
Area (SPRNCA). We saw 42 species of birds.
Spring is here! We saw two Great Blue Herons visiting their annual rookery
site along the San Pedro River. Last year we first observed herons visiting
the rookery on 24 February, followed by sitting on the nest and incubation on
19 March, nestlings seen in the nest on 28 May, and fledglings seen perched
next to the nest on 2 July. This is a five-month behavior watching opportunity
for all bird behavior watchers on the San Pedro House Trails.
The other highlights for today were the continuing immature Harris’s Sparrow
at the seed feeder in front of the San Pedro House, and the uncommon, but
resident in the SPRNCA, Gilded Flicker in the San Pedro House cottonwoods. The
red-shafted Northern Flicker is the common resident flicker in the SPRNCA.
TIME CHANGE: Noted that during the spring months of March, April and May the
walks begin at 7:00am.
SCHEDULE CHANGE: For the months of March and April, the Friends have scheduled
a San Pedro House birding walk EVERY WEDNESDAY. In May, we will go back to our
twice monthly schedule.
The March schedule is:
Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00am
Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00am
Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00am
Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00am
All San Pedro House Birding walks start at the San Pedro house. The San Pedro
House is located south of AZ Highway 90 just west of the San Pedro River. The
walks last a little more than three hours. Bring your own binoculars, a hat
and water.
ADDITIONAL SPECIAL WALK: The Friends have scheduled a SPECIAL WALK in the
SPRNCA at the Hereford Road Bridge on SATURDAY, 29 March at 7:00am. (Note:
this Saturday Walk will start at the SPRNCA Parking lot near Hereford Bridge
instead of the San Pedro House)