Date: 2/26/25 11:53 am
From: Carl Ebeling via <Carl.Ebeling...>
Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Williamson's Sapsucker and bonus Red-breasted Sapsucker at Paso Picacho Campground
As of yesterday (Tuesday 25 February), the male WILLIAMSON'S SAPSUCKER
(WISA) reported by Gjon Hazard on 2 February and again on 24 February by
Nancy Christensen, continues in the Paso Pichacho campground.

The WISA was observed for a total of about 10 minutes over four hours, once
in flight, and once for perhaps a few tens of seconds feeding at sap wells
at a tree near the (newer) restrooms. The best looks we (I had been joined
by Steve from Borrrego Springs by then) had of the WISA were around 4 pm
from the back of campsite 74, where we had it under observation for about
10 minutes as it methodically visited multiple sap wells high in one of the
trees to the right (when standing at the back of the site and looking out
on the old burned area).

A male RED-BREASTED SAPSUCKER (RBSA) was also observed and photographed in
the area near the hiking trailhead signposts (for reference, this would be
within the larger trees downhill to the right of campsite 74.)

For photos and additional details, see eBird checklist at

Bird early and bird often,

Carl Ebeling
South Mission Hills

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