Date: 2/26/25 9:18 am
From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...>
Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] Harry Griffen Brewer's Sparrow and sapsuckers
At Harry Griffen Regional Park on Wednesday morning right after opening time at 7:00 a.m. there 's a Brewer's Sparrow mixed in with one of the groups of Chipping sparrows that frequents the park. Today, It was in the group of eight chippies that were along the immediate Northwest edge of the dog run. There are, however, multiple other subgroups of Chippies scattered around the park totaling over 20 individuals, possibly even more than that.

There's a continuing Red-breasted sapsucker and a Red-naped sapsucker as well. The Red naped this morning spent well over an hour on exactly the same 2 feet of limb that's heavily riddled with sapsucker Wells so this may well be its favorite spot to hang out. Go to the Northeast corner parking lot toward the far end, and stare toward the dog run and between you and the dog run is a ditch that's lined with several eucalyptus trees. Two or three of the trees look rather stressed and two are heavily heavily heavily riddled with sapsucker Wells. The right hand of the two trees with the wells is the larger one That's slightly broader and has more leaves remaining. Go up that tree halfway on the left hand of the three trunks, And where that trunk splits and the left hand fork then goes diagonally and then horizontally to the left, right at that point where it bends horizontally is where the bird is hanging out. 
Paul Lehman, San Diego 

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