Date: 2/26/25 7:14 am
From: Doug Overacker <cdoveracker...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Clark County American White Pelicans
Julie and I checked a couple spots at Buck Creek State Park this morning. We
stopped north of the beach at the south end of the lake and saw some
Red-breasted Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers, Canvasbacks, and Common
Goldeneyes. Then I spotted some large white birds far across the lake. When
I got the scope on them I realized they were American White Pelicans. I
counted about 25 of them but they were packed together so tightly that the
count may have been a little low.

Then we drove to the north end of the lake and walked to the lake from Grant
Road. We recorded 13 species of ducks including an estimate of about 150
Northern Pintails. I counted about 150 Common Mergansers. We also saw
shovelers, Gadwalls, American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal, American Black
Ducks, Mallards, Canvasbacks, Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, and a couple
Redheads. We also saw more American White Pelicans. I carefully counted
about 80 of them. We also saw a couple eagles flying around.

Doug Overacker
Julie Karlson


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