Date: 2/26/25 6:41 am
From: John P Valentik <jpatvalentik...>
Subject: Re: [AZNMbirds] SE AZ Whitewater Draw, Lake Cochise
Did you look for the "suspenders" on the back?

On Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 8:34 PM Olga Harbour <oharbour...> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Bob and I spent a several hours this morning at Whitewater Draw, and one
> circuit of Lake Cochise on the way home in the afternoon.
> Sandhill cranes started arriving at Whitewater at 10:25 AM and were still
> coming in half an hour later. Snow Geese were at the largest pond when we
> arrived about 9 and stayed there for the rest of the morning.
> Sparrows were abundant, a few of them challenging us to ID. We saw
> White-crowned, Vesper, Brewer's, Lincoln's, Song, and Lark Buntings. I saw
> one I really wanted to call a Swamp Sparrow, but I'll wait to see if
> someone more certain about sparrows reports seeing one.
> Even more Sandhills were at Lake Cochise when we arrived, more than we saw
> at Whitewater, which was plenty! One Golden Eagle soared over the lake,
> but no one else seemed to even notice this bird, what with all those cranes
> around. We also saw a Loggerhead Shrike by the golf course pond, and heard
> it calling/singing, a first for us.
> A wonderful way to spend the day!
> Good birding!
> Olga Harbour
> Tucson, AZ

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