Date: 2/25/25 6:35 pm
From: Olga Harbour <oharbour...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] SE AZ Whitewater Draw, Lake Cochise
Hi folks,

Bob and I spent a several hours this morning at Whitewater Draw, and one circuit of Lake Cochise on the way home in the afternoon.

Sandhill cranes started arriving at Whitewater at 10:25 AM and were still coming in half an hour later. Snow Geese were at the largest pond when we arrived about 9 and stayed there for the rest of the morning.

Sparrows were abundant, a few of them challenging us to ID. We saw White-crowned, Vesper, Brewer's, Lincoln's, Song, and Lark Buntings. I saw one I really wanted to call a Swamp Sparrow, but I'll wait to see if someone more certain about sparrows reports seeing one.

Even more Sandhills were at Lake Cochise when we arrived, more than we saw at Whitewater, which was plenty! One Golden Eagle soared over the lake, but no one else seemed to even notice this bird, what with all those cranes around. We also saw a Loggerhead Shrike by the golf course pond, and heard it calling/singing, a first for us.

A wonderful way to spend the day!

Good birding!
Olga Harbour
Tucson, AZ
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