Date: 2/24/25 8:05 pm
From: Robert Thorn <robthorn6...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] HooverIce-out,2-24:Long-tailedDuck,Red-thr.Loon,Mergansers
Hoover Reservoir is opening up, with the ice receding and leaving big open
patches as far north as the Redbank/MaxtownRd ramp. Multiple birders
found lots of migrating waterfowl moving into these open areas, and I
chased some of these finds this afternoon. Stops at the Walnut St. ramp,
Area D, and the Maxtown ramp found a good mix of diving ducks and
mergansers, with some dabbling ducks and a few landbirds thrown in for good
measure. Included among the haul were:

Long-tailedDuck - a gorgeous winter male was found 2 days ago near the
Walnut St. ramp and he was still there. Look for him off the old roadbed
north of the boat ramp parking lot
Scaup & Redheads- small groups of them all along the reservoir
CommonGoldeneyes - small flocks at nearly every stop
CommonMergansers - a huge flock of 200+ was north of the County Line bridge
this afternoon, best viewed from Area D
Red-breasted Mergansers - small numbers at every stop
Hooded Mergansers - good numbers at every stop, with 140+ off Area D
Ruddy Ducks - 40-50 were off the Maxtown Rd ramp
Red-throatedLoon - a winter-plumage bird has been hanging out off the
Maxtown ramp; it was around today, but actively diving, which made good
looks brief
Horned Grebe - reported from both Walnut St and Maxtown, but I found
neither of them


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