Date: 2/24/25 11:59 am
From: Nate Dias (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: 2024 Santee NWR CBC - 127 species and 54,169 individuals (a little below par)
The Santee NWR CBC this year was held under windy and cold conditions - the
wind was not our friend, especially in lakefront territories. The dry
conditions also hurt us with several species.

We missed Snow Geese this year - one had been present at the Bluff Unit but
was not seen on Count Day.

No Greater White-fronted Geese this year.

Tundra Swan - 7 at Pine Island, in a secluded back corner of a bay on Lake
Marion, inside the refuge boundaries.

Wood Duck - only 273 at Pine Island versus 622 last year - due to dry
conditions. Last year we had the high count of all CBCs in North America
for Wood Ducks - thanks to the big night roost at Pine Island. But that
greentree impoundment was dry this year due to the drought.
We had 63 American Black Ducks, which is excellent so far inland. The Lake
Marion area is the inland stronghold for this species in South Carolina.

Between them, Bluff Unit and Pine Island Unit had several thousand Gadwall,
Green-winged Teal, and Ring-necked Ducks. We had 10,000+ 'Green-wings'
and 9,000+ 'Ring-necks'.

Bluff Unit had 400 Pintail and Pine Island had 150 which is also very good
for an inland CBC.

Sadly, we had no Northern Bobwhite on the CBC this year - it has been a few
years since we did.

Alas, we had no Short-eared Owls this year.

Charles and Harold Donnelley had 38 Rock Pigeons in the St. Paul /
Summerton territory. They were the only ones reported for the CBC - the
town of Santee usually produces them but I guess not this year.

Dennis Forsythe had three Eurasian Collared Doves in the town of Santee -
they are getting harder to find in SC in recent years.

Shockingly, the only rails were at Pine Island - a paltry 2 King Rails, 2
Virginia Rails and 1 Sora. Perhaps due to the very dry conditions.

Two field parties had Sandhill Cranes the Bluff Unit (32) and Harold and
Charles Donnelley had 3 on the St. Paul / Summerton territory.

Sid Gauthreaux and Carroll Belser had two Snowy Egrets on the Vance
territory - a good find.

John Grego had two Woodcock on the Goat Island / Taw Caw territory - the
only ones on the count this year.

Six field parties had Anhinga - pretty good for an inland CBC.

Three field parties had American White Pelicans, including 108 by John
Grego on the Goat Island / Taw Caw territory.

White Ibis are being found in increasing numbers - we had 4 field parties
reporting them this year.

Single Osprey were reported from two territories - Vance and St. Paul /

We had 4 field parties reporting American Kestrel - 2,2,3 and 3. 1 Merlin
and no Peregrines.

We looked hard for the Vermilion Flycatcher at Pine Island, making multiple
passes through the area but alas we did not find it. Must have departed
before count day.

We had 3 field parties reporting White-eyed Vireo, not bad for an inland

Four field parties found Loggerhead Shrike - only 7 individuals. Sid
Gauthreaux and Carroll Belser had the high count of 3 in the Vance
territory. The long sad decline continues.

It seemed to be a good year for Brown Creep‌er - 7 field parties reported
them and most had 3-4 individuals.

Dennis Forsythe had the only House Sparrows - as usual, he got the three
Eurotrash species (Eurasian Collared Doves, European Starling, and House
Sparrow) in the town of Santee.

Red-headed Woodpeckers were well represented - six field parties found
them. St. Paul / Summerton had 9, Irvin Pitts had 7 in Santee State Park,
and John Grego had 6 in Goat Island / Taw Caw. We had 5 in Pine Island.

Irvin Pitts had the only Red-breasted Nuthatch of the CBC - at Santee State

Irvin also had the only Purple Finches of the CBC - two at Santee State

Field Sparrow numbers were pitiful - two territories had one bird each.

We only had 2 LeConte's Sparrows - the habitat was super dry and somewhat
degraded in terms of grass density and composition.

We only had 1 Fox Sparrow for the CBC - John Grego had one at Goat Island /
Taw Caw. Not sure if they were lying low in the high wind or if they
simply were not present. We usually get them at Pine Island but not this

Dark-eyed Juncos were well represented - 4 field parties reporting. Irvin
Pitts had the high count of 18 in Santee State Park.

Dennis Forythe had the only Vesper Sparrow - in the Santee territory
outside of town.

The Bluff Unit party had 2 Baltimore Orioles which is very good on an
inland count.

Three field parties had Rusty Blackbirds - 27 at Goat Island, 15 at Pine
Island, and Jay Chandler, Becky Jordan and company had 7 in the Cuddo Unit.

Nathan Dias - Charleston, SC


"These days I prefer to hunt with a camera. A good photograph demands more
skill from the hunter, better nerves and more patience than the rifle
shot." -- Bror Blixen

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