Date: 2/23/25 6:30 pm From: henry detwiler (via aznmbirds Mailing List) <aznmbirds...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] SWAZ: Little Blue Heron
Greetings Birders,
This morning (23 Feb) I birded several areas along the Gila River east of Yuma. At the Solar Ponds were 47 DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS, but unfortunately little else. The Gila River proved much better, and at a backwater between Ave 22E and Ave 20E were 18 BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERONS, multiple waders, waterfowl, and three racoons. But the bridge over Ave 20E proved the best location of all. From there I spotted an adult LITTLE BLUE HERON, and along with some friends I met there, we watched the heron and other good birds: HOODED MERGANSER, LEAST BITTERNS, SORA, etc.
On Friday (21 Feb) I had planned to do a Big Day, and got up long before sunrise. One of our BARN OWLS was clicking when I went outside--a fine start. At the marsh along Imperial Dam Road I finally heard my first RIDGWAY'S RAILS for the year, along with a number of VIRGINIA RAILS. A bit later and in a different area I also added BLACK RAILS, SORA, and a WESTERN SCREECH-OWL. As I worked my way south along the Gila Gravity Canal Levee, I kept adding nice birds, including LEAST BITTERN, CLARK'S & WESTERN GREBES, COMMON GOLDENEYES, and many other waterfowl. Alas, the wind was blowing harder as the morning wore on. At the Yuma East Wetlands I was happy to find our continuing WESTERN BLUEBIRDS and DARK-EYE JUNCOS. But the swirling dust and buffeting winds were not to be denied, and I gave up on the day at 10:30 with only 70 species.
On Thursday (20 Feb) I found a fine variety of birds in the large ag fields along County 19th Street south of Yuma. In addition to the regular FERRUGINOUS and RED-TAILED HAWKS, I counted 188 LONG-BILLED CURLEWS and 11 MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDS. I also found my first CLIFF SWALLOWS of the season--they seem to be returning earlier every year!
My 2025 AZ species total has inched up to 246.
Recent eBird reports with photos:<domain...>
Good Birding!Henry D. <Detwilerhenry_detwiler...>, AZ
Finding Birds in Southwest Arizona<domain...> Birds at the Salton Sea and in Imperial County,<domain...>