Date: 2/20/25 9:03 pm
From: photohutch via <steve.hutchcraft...>
Subject: [EBB-Sightings] Say's Phoebe, Monte Vista HS, Danville
Good evening birders,

Don't know if it's all that exciting, but I had my first calling Say's Phoebe of the season this morning. The bird was calling from the top of the press box at the football stadium at Monte Vista High in Danville.

Also, the pair of Cackling Geese are still at the adjacent Oak Hill Park--they've been consistently present for several months.

Lots of beginning nesting activity going on as well. At least two pairs of Oak Titmice have found cavities in our yard, a Common Raven pair have reclaimed their nest at the stadium, and our Turkey Vultures are already hanging around the nest they've used for the last few years in our backyard.

Seems like spring is springing early!

Happy birding!


Steve Hutchcraft
Alamo, CA

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