Date: 2/22/25 2:41 pm
From: WANG PEGGY <00000454f4164bea-dmarc-request...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Buckeye Lake sat morning
I haven’t had a chance to look for the Snow and Ross’ geese at Buckeye Lk until this morning. The glare was awful but the snow geese were easy to pick out— I counted 12 with a mix of adults and immatures. The single adult Ross’ Goose stood out with its much smaller size and stubby bill.

I didn’t spot any Cackling geese, but with the bad light, I didn’t feel like sifting through all the Canadas. There were a half dozen or so Red-breasted Mergansers which was nice even if the light was terrible. Many Lesser Scaup, some Ruddies and Redheads. Plus I found one Bufflehead. Scads of mallards and 2 Black Ducks. May have missed some with the light.

I spotted a distant swan with its head tucked but I could see the bill was black, so it wasn’t a Mute Swan. There wasn’t any obvious yellow on the bill and I’ve seen only Trumpeters there, so I’m presuming it was likely a trumpeter.

As I was leaving, I saw a imm Bald Eagle & a Red-tailed Hawk.

Peggy Wang
Sent from my iPad

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