Date: 2/22/25 3:41 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Hamilton county - flood birding
Well, the flood waters are receding. Or
Freezing! Crazy weather. I hit Lost Bridge - a small area of open water
Had a nice assortment - redhead,
Gadwall, both scaup, RN Ducks. Etc.
What I didn’t realize was the fields
Would be frozen. I had no waterfowl
Where I did when I birded Lawrenceburg fields a few days ago. Or whenever I
Birded it.
I wanted hundreds of pintail! No…….
I hit spots along the river close to
Oakley. Gulls!!!!! Almost 300 RB. But
Nothing with a darker back…. I keep hoping for a LBBG for Hamilton.
I drove by that area again later in the
Afternoon. Gulls still there! I checked
Again. Then say 40 minutes later still -
The gulls were mainly gone…. Off to
A twilight roost or something….
Sunday is looking good for getting
Back to Warren and Clinton counties!
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPhone
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