Date: 2/23/25 5:00 pm From: Sandra Keller <000007a762f332b7-dmarc-request...> Subject: [Ohio-birds] Warren and Clinton big years
The lakes are still mostly frozen! Wow. There was a small area of open
Water at Cowan - and a few species were on it. Including both Scaup, a pintail,
And a canvasback! Interesting combination! Canvasback was new for the Clinton
Big year. Also picked up a RH Woodpecker. The area around that feeding
Station area. Passerine activity was slow today. No idea why.
Someday I’ll get a fox sparrow up here! Up to 56 for Clinton.
Warren was slow passerine wise also. But finally, some waterfowl in two
Little open areas on the frozen lake - I picked up Redhead, Common, and
RB Mergs for Warren. Up to 67 for Warren.
My highlight though was the Roxana - New Burlington Rd Gravel pits. Greene
County. Yes I’ll be hitting Greene now and then. Spring Valley is half Warren,
Half Greene. Anyway, Isaiah found 40 plus Greater white fronted geese there!
I was only 10 minutes away. So off I went! Gwf are moving now. They are being
Reported all over down here. Have I found just one for Warren and Clinton yet?!
No……. Loads of waterfowl on those pits. I picked up 13 species for Greene!
Over 100 for life! Yea! More to come. See above!
Just as I pull into my driveway, I get the report of some GWF geese at a closer
Spot in Warren. Sigh……. I could have made it back up there right before dusk.
Too tired!
I won’t be back up there - Warren or Clinton - until March. I will be at Goose
Ponds Tues. after and Wed morning. Whooping crane hopefully. Life bird
For me! If I don't see, then I'll have to get to Aransas some year.
Good birding all.
Sandra Keller
Sent from my iPad mini
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