Date: 2/21/25 1:28 pm
From: <maryhuot...>
Subject: Feeder Frenzy
Looks like the three-day feeder frenzy is finally slowing down but it sure
has been fun while it lasted. There has been much less activity at the
feeders and in the yard since noon. Every a.m. at sunrise the flock of
goldfinches along with the juncos and white throated sparrows come in
followed soon by all the other usuals. A bit later the Baltimore orioles
arrive and for the next couple of hours provide a lot of entertainment
fighting over the jelly feeders. They have eaten three and a half 30oz jars
of grape jelly over the past three days, as well as a good share of seed and
suet. The highest count has been sixteen on Thursday a.m. A little bonus
has been a flock of Robins who every morning have led a flock of fifteen to
twenty cedar wax wings to the surrounding trees and yard, a couple of whom
have enjoyed the heated bird bath.

Mary Bridges

Goldsboro, NC

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