Date: 2/21/25 6:05 pm From: Dianne & Steve Kinder <000000023c9fba03-dmarc-request...> Subject: Livingston County Raptors.
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It is a good time to be out looking for Raptors in Missouri. Today after doing some X-C Skiing at Poosey CA in the NW corner of the County, I saw a nice variety of them coming back down Blacktop U. This included at least Five Rough-legged Hawks, with one being a very Black, adult dark phase. Had not seen one of those for quite awhile. There may have been a couple more RLHA that were too high and far to ID for sure. Also observed several Northern Harriers, Redtail Hawks, and a couple Bald Eagles.
Bird On!
Steve Kinder
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum