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Good morning all!
Slow start to the year but getting some birds seen!. This mornings walk allowed me to watch a caching behavior by a common crow. Not exciting eh? We have all seen it time and again. In this instance however I noted some aspects I hadn't seen before. The lone crow found three pieces of a frozen hamburger bun. It grabbed a large piece, held it in place and whittled it down to a smaller piece. It did not eat any of it. It held the piece in the beak and walked around for a couple minutes, then pushed it into the base of a grass clump. Been there, seen that. However, this crow then walked a couple steps, grabbed a leaf or two, then placed that over the bread. It repeated this with a second piece- I got this one on video- same process. At the end it pulled leaves /grass over it. In two of the 3 pieces, once placed, it vocalized. It then went to a very small patch of open water (the lake is still frozen), grabbed a dying shad, flew to a light beacon, killed it, ate a small portion, then flew down to a clump of leaves and small log and cached that. It vocalized over this one as well. Upon hearing crows in the distance it flew about 200 yards and interacted with them. About 5 minutes later it returned to the shad, grabbed it and flew out of view.
Thoughts and contributions welcomed! Good birding!
Kirk, Lee's Summit MO
The Missouri Birding Society's Wild Bird Discussion Forum