Date: 2/23/25 12:42 pm
From: Steven Tracey <straceyflash...>
Subject: [AZNMbirds] SEAZ: Sierra Vista EOP Birding Walk -- 23 Feb 2025
Hi Birders,

This morning 12 birders from AZ, IA, WI, MN, and LA found 69 species around
the EOP ponds. It was a warm, sunny and calm morning, feeling much like
the end of winter and beginning of spring. Not surprising then, we are
beginning to see a few more swallow species show up as we had our FOS Cliff
and Northern Rough-winged Swallows on the walk to go along with an
increasing number of Tree Swallows. We've lost our White-faced Ibis and
Great Egrets that were around for most of the winter in the past few weeks
but we continue to see both a juvenile and adult Black-crowned Nightheron
continuing in the cattails. We continue to have really good luck with
ducks as we had essentially the full complement of regulars, minus the
sporatic Lesser Scaup. The highlight though was that on top of the usuals,
we had the continuing female Hooded Merganser and even better a female
Greater Scaup. Distinguishing between the scaups is always a challenge and
Greaters are pretty rare here, but we all got good scope views and some
photos will be posted on our eBird checklist to support this ID.

eBird Checklist - 23 Feb 2025 - Sierra Vista EOP - 69 species

NOTE: Our next walk will be Sunday March 2 and with the move into March
the EOP walks will begin at 7:00am and will do so through until June.

Birding walks behind the locked gates of the Sierra Vista EOP occur every
Sunday morning. For the spring months of March, April and May, the walks
will start at 7:00am. Walks are limited to the first 15 participants. Meet
early at the EOP Bird Viewing Platform to sign in with the guide. Late
arrivals will not have access behind the locked gates. Scopes are useful. A
hat and water are highly recommended.

The EOP is located just east (~ 3 miles) from Sierra Vista on AZ Hwy 90.
Look for the Brua Animal Care Center and the Wildlife Viewing signs on the
northside of Hwy 90. Turn left (north) and proceed to the bird viewing
platform. Note that Google Maps may direct you to the wrong entrance.

Steve Tracey
Hereford, AZ

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