Date: 2/21/25 2:31 pm
From: David Scheu <00000726b9f71977-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Admin: Server Migration March 5.
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Our list is hosted by the University of Missouri, who will soon be taking their physical mail servers offline. All email lists, including MOBirds-L, are migrating to a cloud-hosted service called ListPlex. This is happening on March 5 - a week from next Wednesday - and we've been asked to hold off on using the list that morning. I assume because mail might get lost and the server might not accept or process commands during the transfer.

I'd like to tell you more but I don't have much to tell yet. I've been told that we should expect a new email address for the list and web address for the archives, subscription options, and so on, but I haven't been told what those new addresses are. Hopefully they'll share them with me before the transition and I can pass them on to you. And they're hoping to forward any mail sent to <MOBIRDS-L...><mailto:<MOBIRDS-L...> on to the list server, for a little while at least.

Also, the archives will only be retained for two years on the new server. They currently go back some 30 years, which would be a great resource if not for the fact that the LISTSERV search function is not up to the task of handling large archive sets, and in recent years they have become more or less unsearchable. (If you've ever run into the "overflow words" message, you know what I'm talking about!) I do expect the search to work much better on a smaller archive, though of course there will be less there to find. And about that: I have preserved the entire archive offline, so that information won't be lost entirely, though honestly the path towards making it available is not clear because the files are not formatted in a way that is easy to index, search or even read. (Perhaps that has something to do with why the search function was so poor?)

I'll tell you more when I know more!

Dave Scheu
MOBirds-L list owner
St. Louis, MO

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