Date: 2/23/25 6:17 am
From: Walker Golder (via carolinabirds Mailing List) <carolinabirds...>
Subject: Re: Birding in Ireland
A boat trip to the Aran Islands is a good trip for seabirds. I am not sure about August-September, but it was very nice in June. Eurasian Oystercatchers were very vocal on Inishmore. Bike rentals are available and a great way to get around on the island. The boat trip I was on stopped at Cliffs of Moor on the return. Cliffs of Moor is worth seeing. My trip to Skellig Michael was cancelled due to heavy seas, but it’s supposed to be great for seabirds in summer. Away from the coast, I found good diversity along rivers, parks and gardens. If you are renting a car, I recommend a small car. Secondary roads are very narrow.
All the best,
Walker Golder

> On Feb 23, 2025, at 3:05 AM, Susan Campbell <susan...> wrote:
> Also be sure to have the appropriate Merlin pack downloaded to your phone (to use with the Merlin app). It is pretty accurate in Europe in general. It will give you an assist in terms of what to be looking for— especially when it comes to the tits.
> Susan Campbell
> Apex, NC
> (likely to be using Merlin again today here in Vienna)
> Get Outlook for iOS <;!!OToaGQ!qc76kzZolopL2JMpPsTafHsjwpFfhCNGYByZfjZMgRnjUPHe4EM639G_UkLx-kOldt4E16pcrvNjph9JKQ$>
> From: <carolinabirds-request...> <carolinabirds-request...> on behalf of "Samet, James" <carolinabirds...>
> Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2025 9:07:34 PM
> To: Zach Ambrose <zambrose...>
> Cc: Carolina Birds <carolinabirds...>
> Subject: Re: Birding in Ireland
> My wife and I took a Rick Steves tour from the West Coast of Ireland (Ennis) to Dublin in May of 2023.
> While in Ennis, I picked up a copy of Finding Birds in Ireland (Dempsey and O’Clery), which is excellent.
> In addition to binoculars, I had a Nikon Coolpix P900 with 2000 mm lens (photo quality is middling at best but plenty good for ID at impossibly long distances).
> During the tour, I managed to get 36 new species with casual birding at the Cliffs of Moor, the Dingle Peninsula, city parks and gardens.
> Best of luck,
> Jim Samet
> Chapel Hill
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Feb 21, 2025, at 3:19 PM, Zach Ambrose <zambrose...> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > We're planning a trip to Ireland in August or September. Does anyone have any experience/advice regarding birding in Ireland? Thanks!
> >
> > Zach

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