Date: 2/21/25 5:14 pm From: John Williams <john...> Subject: [AZNMbirds] Migration warm-ups at Arthur Pack Reg Park, Tucson
The ducks are getting a bit antsy of late, doing flight circles and inter pond relos as they get ready for the big take-off to the north. Northern Shoveler numbers are increasing with my last two counts over 150.
The 20+ Common Mergansers of recent weeks were down to four this morning. Cinnamon Teal have visited a few times but haven’t stayed for any particular length of time. Buffleheads have been active on all three ponds, and for the first time I photographed an immature male. Per the Crossley ID Guide to Western Birds, it does have a bluer bill than the hens. The photo is on ebird, hotspot Arthur Pack Regional Park.
I don’t know if I’ve missed this before as Bufflehead are seemingly always underwater or aimed the other way.
9 Duck species today.
Another observation that was out of the ordinary was a Gray Flycatcher hunting from a perch about 18” high. It landed on the ground and picked something several times.