I went in 2005 and saw all three. Best memory was filming a Great Gray through my passenger window and it took flight coming toward my car so close I ducked even though I was in my car. I guess prey was very close to the car.One reminder if anyone is going to go is to pull over to the sides of roads and not block them. It was a big deal then with the locals...Thanks,Steve Griffaw <Sgg.bluesfan...> Jefferson City MOSent via the Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone -------- Original message --------From: C <rosenfeldcheryl...> Date: 2/20/25 2:27 PM (GMT-06:00) To: <MOBIRDS-L...> Subject: Recommendation- not sighting
Should be warmer now than when I was there in January (-31F).
Cheryl Rosenfeld Boone County, MO
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