Date: 2/19/25 3:46 pm From: Beverly Propen via CTBirds <ctbirds...> Subject: [CT Birds] Coastal Center
2/19-Milford, Connecticut Audubon Coastal Center. 9:50am-12:50PM. sunny, 26F, low tide, marsh frozen over - some open water far out. Several visitors and photographers today. Birds viewed on the marsh (with scope) were very far out where there was some open water: 200 Canada Geese, 1 Mute swan, 2 Great black backed gulls, 2 Bufflehead, about 16 American Black ducks, 2 Gadwall, 1 American Wigeon, and 2 Northern harriers soaring over. On the grounds & feeders: 1 Northern Mockingbird, 7 house sparrows, 2 Chickadees, 4 White throated sparrows, 3 Song sparrows, 1 Fox sparrow (haven't seen one here in awhile), 1 White breasted nuthatch, 1 Carolina wren singing, 1 Tufted Titmouse, 2 House finches, 3 northern cardinals (2 M, 1 F). Bev Propen, Orange
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