Date: 2/19/25 3:44 pm
From: Peggy Mundy via Tweeters <tweeters...>
Subject: Re: [Tweeters] hummingbirds and Avian influenza
As to the question whether Avian Influenza has been found in Anna's Hummingbirds.  I checked the WDFW website, where they have a table listing the species in which APAI has been detected -- no hummingbirds are listed at this time.  But it is possible that no one has necropsied a hummingbird to check.
Here is the WDFW link:
Peggy MundyBothell, WA

<peggy_busby...> on Instagram

On Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 02:52:51 p.m. PST, Ann Kramer via Tweeters <tweeters...> wrote:

Chuck, I strongly suspect it is not weather related.  Last year, I lost around 15 hummingbirds as the male Anna's protected the feeders. I found several dead hummers bodies around the feeders, including a few males. It was during a cold spell, but we also had heaters on the feeder.  I did a little reading and learned that Anna's will begin breeding in December.  They will fight to exhaustion and I've heard, even death, to protect their nectar source. I would consider this as one possibility for it's death. 
You may want to try putting out a few more feeders in areas around the house where one male cannot fend off all the feeders.  
On Wed, Feb 19, 2025 at 10:47 AM creinsch via Tweeters <tweeters...> wrote:

Found a dead male Annas this morning which left me with questions. 
Sitting on top of a rabbit feeding station, it looked healthy, but was
soaked by the rain and had died sometime in the previous 12 hours.   
Note: It was not particularly cold last night, so I do not believe
weather was a factor.


Have there been verified reports of hummingbirds catching Avian
influenza ("AI")?

Have people suspended feeding hummingbirds (and other wild birds for
that matter)?

Have there been other reports in Tweeters possibly related to AI that I
have missed?

Any other thoughts?

Chuck Reinsch
Seattle, Magnolia

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