Date: 2/19/25 1:50 pm
From: Alyson Hoge <000002096ce84bce-dmarc-request...>
Subject: Latest on black-chinned hummingbird
All —

Lest anyone be worried, the hummingbird came through the freezing rain, heavy sleet and snow just fine. He’s hitting the feeders frequently and then perching nearby.

He was at the feeder last night at 6 p.m., which is the latest I’ve observed. Freezing rain was coming down. It was like he wanted one last warm drink before going off to his cabin for the night.

I’m currently using two quart feeders, filled only partway, with heaters and both of them had slushy ice above the base. I didn’t pay attention to how low it was going to get (16 degrees). I needed to put the higher watt bulb (15w) in the heaters and put less nectar in the feeders.

Today is his 79th day here.

Some of you may have seen the article about him in this past Sunday’s ADG.

Thanks to all who helped with the story, including Michael Linz (whose photo was used) and Patty McLean.

Alyson Hoge


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