Date: 2/19/25 9:26 am From: <lehman.paul...> via <lehman.paul...> Subject: [SanDiegoRegionBirding] New Lucy's Warbler, and other Balboa Park news
Wednesday morning, there's a new Lucy's Warbler in town, this one along the west edge of Balboa Park in a patch of about 10 tipu trees on the lawn south of El Prado, right near the very edge of the park near 6th Avenue. 32.729947,-117.158459. As usual, a problem here is that the yellow rumps tend to chase all the smaller warblers.
And in other Balboa Park news this morning, there were three Bullocks Orioles and two Western tanagers near the lawn bowling which is just to the north of here. And an early morning check of the heavily blooming coral trees at the zoo parking lot surprisingly turned up only three continuing Western Tanagers and not a single oriole of any sort.
Paul Lehman, San Diego
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