Date: 2/19/25 6:27 am From: Cynthia Ehlinger via CTBirds <ctbirds...> Subject: [CT Birds] Sign up now for COA Annual Meeting - Meet our Community Sponsors and Vendors
The upcoming Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) Annual Meeting on March 8, 2025 in Middletown, CT is shaping up to be an exciting one. Get your tickets soon before we sell out: SInce we will need a count for meals, we request you register by February 28.
COA is pleased to recognize our generous Community Sponsors: Hartford Audubon Society, New Haven Bird Club, Western Connecticut Bird Club, and Angela Dimmitt.
Be sure to stop by our many bird-oriented tables during the day. COA will be joined by vendors including our Prime Sponsor, Zeiss, and Lead Sponsor, Sunrise Birding. We also welcome Audubon Connecticut, The Audubon Shop, Connecticut Audubon Society, Roaring Brook Nature Center and Rob Braunfield (original historic bird art).
Both COA members and non-members are invited to attend this 41st Annual Meeting. If you are not currently a member, we do hope you will consider joining to show your support. Learn more and register at
Cynthia Ehlinger for the COA Annual Meeting Committee
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CTBirds, a service of Connecticut Ornithological Association - Bringing birders together statewide. Please support COA: