Date: 2/18/25 5:21 pm From: Lori Charron <lpcharron...> Subject: [NHBirds] Seacoast Coos County winter finch trip
On Feb 11th 17 birders met at McDonald’s in Gorham NH at 8am to begin a chilly, but fun day of birding. We started our morning with a temp of 1 degrees. As always our first stop was a nice walk down Mechanic Street where not only did we enjoy the birds we had a nice visit with one of the local homeowners that keeps his feeders full.
We slowly started our journey to Errol with a few stops. We hit the jackpot at our annual stop behind the Chalet! ( thankful they had plowed) And the sun decided to come out! With great views of evening grosbeaks, tree sparrows, and a great size comparison of a hairy and downy woodpecker as the fed at the suet feeder together. We all forgot about the cold temperatures for those 20 -30 minutes standing outside enjoying all the birds. After a quick bathroom break in Milan we slowly worked our way up the river road to Errol. The river was quiet with no waterfowl to be seen. A quick stop at LLCotes we all headed to our home for lunch and birding from the warmth oh our home. While the feeders were not very busy we did have both nuthatches stop by for a visit along with juncos, goldfinches, purple finches and our resident white throated sparrow.
After a few more stops in Errol the winds and cold temps began to chill us. We finished our journey back at LLCotes with a total of 23 species. As we were saying our goodbyes an adult eagle soared overhead. As if to say “hope you all had a good day” With that our species total changed to 24!
The day was as alway a great day, Full of good birds, great birders, great memories and new friendships! I can’t wait till next yr! Thank you all for such an amazing day!
Happy birding!