Date: 2/18/25 10:59 am
From: James Pike via <jimpike444...>
Subject: Re: [OrangeCountyBirding] A new update on the HCP-East Light show. going back to HB city council vote this tuesday
Thanks again for these updates, Clark. I just sent my email to the city
council (City.Council*AT* In my view, what attractiveness
the park possesses will only be diminished by bleachers, swirling lights,
and fewer parking spaces.

Jim Pike

On Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 3:24 PM Clark Snodgrass via <ccsnodgrass=
<> wrote:

> OC bird community
> Unfortunately, the Huntington Beach city council is going to proceed
> again to a vote this coming Tuesday, Feb 18 on the Symphony of Flowers
> nightly Light Show to be built in HCP-East over a large area of existing
> green space near some of the key birding spots. In December, the council
> pulled the item off the agenda, but its back.
> This project is to allocate and alter a larger portion of green space area
> in HCP east for 8 months of the year for a bleachers and fenced in area
> that will host the Symphony of Flowers light show. This show will have
> multiple nightly shows for paying customers most nights from dusk to
> 11pm, with LED and laser lighting plus amplified sound from speakers.
> The area that will be taken for this project will stretch from just north
> of the "island" and to just south of the area near Lorens Gulch , and from
> east of Talbert lake to the path just west of the Gothard Parking lot.
> (this is the area used for the Labor Day Civil war re-enactments. ) see
> the detailed maps of the effected area and discussion at the below link
> which has the "environmental impact report" . Page 13 of the report shows
> the outline of the affected area over an aerial photo
> this could likely effect birds common in this area of the park
> particularly "the Island". (the report has some info on how they are
> addressing the birds)
> At the December meeting, many public comment speakers criticized the idea
> citing environmental concerns on the wildlife, parking concerns, nightly
> shows till 11pm, and the taking of green space for commercial use. In
> addition a number of speakers cited the lack of the council seeking formal
> public approval for this type of HCP usage change (in accordance with the
> requirments of Measure C). There were no speakers that supported the
> HCP-east idea.
> however it is proceeding forward to a vote now.
> email comments to HB city council at
> <city.council...>
> Clark Snodgrass
> Huntington Beach

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