Date: 2/18/25 8:55 am
From: Stefan Martin via CTBirds <ctbirds...>
Subject: [CT Birds] Action Alert (High Urgency): 2 bills to reduce pesticides (Neonicotinoids and Rodenticides)
*Your help is needed today on 2 bills in Hartford that would protect birds,
insects and other wildlife from dangerous substances.*

Please take a few minutes today to submit testimony to the General
Assembly’s Environment Committee.* It's easy to do.*

The Committee meets tomorrow (Wednesday, February 19) at noon, so testimony
should be submitted today by 3p. Use this link to do so- Submit Testimony

You can also sign up for the hearing via zoom here- C G A - Connecticut
General Assembly <>

(Scroll down to the calendar and click the link for the 10a environmental
committee meeting 2/19 at 10a)

Here are some guidelines:

*Be brief. *

*Tell the Committee what town you live in; tell them that you are a
supporter of The Connecticut Audubon Society, Audubon Connecticut/National
Audubon Society, The Connecticut Butterfly Association (or any other
environmental/conservation org).*

*And urge them to pass HB 06916 and HB 06915.*

You can adapt the talking points below as you see fit.

HB 06916 is called An Act Concerning the Use of Neonicotinoids. Neonics are
used extensively on lawns, golf courses, and farms, and have been killing
birds in Connecticut for years. This bill would be a step in the
appropriate direction to help solve that problem.

Neonics also pose a significant threat to bees, butterflies, and aquatic

Neonics are approximately 7,000 times more toxic than DDT. A single
neonic-coated corn kernel can be lethal to a songbird.

It took decades of work and great expense for Bald Eagles, Ospreys and
other species to recover from near extinction because of DDT.

Neonics kill the insects that songbirds rely on for food. The concern now
is for the long-term fate of common species such as American Robins,
Eastern Bluebirds, Red-winged Blackbirds and many others.

HB 06915 is called An Act Concerning the Use of Second-generation
Anticoagulant Rodenticides.

These rodenticides are used to kill rats and mice, but they don't kill them
immediately. The poisoned rats and mice become easy prey for hawks and
owls, which almost always die as a result.

*Please include any or all of the above talking points in your testimony.
And please use your own words if you're more comfortable doing it that way.*

Respectfully urge passage of both HB 06916 and HB 06915.

*The above message was adapted from The Connecticut Audubon Society's
members email.

The passing of these bills is absolutely critical in stopping the
unnecessary killing of so many species. Your support is crucial in helping
to pass these bills.

Thank you for your support,

Stefan Martin

-The Connecticut Audubon Society

Conservation Manager

-The Connecticut Butterfly Association


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