Date: 2/18/25 8:20 am
From: <mmvalencic...>
Subject: [Ohio-birds] Free Zoom talk Feb. 20 @ 7pm
Sorry for the 'last minute' invitation, but Audubon Society of Greater
Cleveland invites you to a FREE Zoom presentation this Thursday, February 20
@ 7:00pm. Dr. Sarah Mabey from Hiram College will be presenting "Birds Eye
View: The Sensory World of Birds". Here is a brief description of the

"Did you know that a bird's eyesight is more than seven times keener than
yours? Birds experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the world in a
radically different way than we do. Learn about some of the amazing ways
birds make sense of their environment."

Use this link to register for the program:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.

Matt Valencic

Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland

Chair: Education Committee


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