Date: 2/17/25 3:41 pm
From: Kirk Elwell <gentilisfinder...>
Subject: [NHBirds] Exeter Ducks
My wife and I stopped by Bell Ave in Exeter this PM to check out the Mallard
"show" on the Little River. One maybe two American Blacks and a couple of
"hybrids" but the other 300 or so were male and female Mallards. We were
just starting to leave when all the ducks basically "stood to attention"
and started to nervously swim in the narrow stream.
Just then a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk swooped down and grabbed an adult
male. But the Mallard pulled hard and got the Hawk into the stream! The
Hawk got out briefly with the duck but the Mallard pulled the Hawk back
into the water and pulled the Hawk under!!
The Red tail gave up then and flew off.
Pretty cool spectacle.
Let alone about 300 ducks all crowded into the mostly frozen in river!!
Kirk Elwell
East Kingston

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